The Appeal Hearing item on the massive Millennium Hollywood project was continued at the request of the developer! We should all attend on the new PLUM hearing scheduled for June 18th at 2:30 pm.
This hearing of the Planning and Land Use Management committee and the date of the City Council hearing on this development are scheduled only one day apart! We will be calling for it to be removed from the City Council June 19th agenda altogether because the project is of unprecedented scale, has no specificity as to what is going to built, and so that the next City Council can consider the issue in a unhurried and deliberate manner.
Please save that date June 18th at 2:30 pm at City Hall.
Carpooling? Write to We also need several people willing to drive their cars to City Hall. Call 323-462-2262 and leave your info so we can coordinate!
We are still collecting funds for the legal representation assigned to this extremely vital issue. Click on the Donate button on the right panel of this website.
Continue to send your comments to Sharon Gin, Legislative Assistant, Planning & Land Use Management Committee at: