Why Should We All Oppose Millennium’s Hollywood Center Project?
We can count the ways – but where do we start??
- Millennium’s Hollywood Center would be the biggest development Hollywood has ever seen with 35 & 46 story skyscrapers
- It would be developed on top of what has been scientifically proven to be the Active Hollywood Earthquake Fault
- It has significant impacts on your neighborhood (after clicking on link scroll down to choose your poison)
- Millennium’s Hollywood Center guarantees to make traffic even worse
- Millennium’s Hollywood Center is targeted to serve the wealthy
- Millennium Developers paid their way through the planning process. Check out Millennium’s Lobbying Report which shows Millennium has paid over five million dollars to the city of Los Angeles in lobbying.
- Millennium’s Hollywood Center sets a horrific precedent for ALL of our communities if billionaire developers ignore scientific data and buy their way in while lining the pockets of local officials.
Developers with a history of constructing unsafe and hazardous buildings should be meticulously examined before City officials allow them to completely redefine significant areas of our city. A city they don’t even live in. If the City won’t examine them, the public must. If you’re not yet familiar with what Millennium and the City of Los Angeles are trying to push through in the middle of a pandemic, let’s do a quick rundown below. For a complete list of documents and plans, click here to be taken to the Draft EIR page. Once there, scroll all the way down to see drop down menu options.
Millennium’s latest proposal consists of developing approximately 4.46 acres of land between Yucca St. and Hollywood Blvd. in between Ivar Ave. and Argyle Ave. with Vine St. sandwiched in the middle. One acre is equivalent to about 75% of a football field, so we are talking nearly 3.5 football fields. Millennium claims to preserve the existing and Historic Cultural Monument Capital Records Building (see page 30 HCM# 857).
The “West Site” of this project has two buildings. A 78,629 square-feet, 35 story, 469 feet high building and an 11 story, 155 feet high building. The West Site would include 597,236 square feet of residential floor area comprised of 517 residential units, 38,816 square feet of amenities/lobbies/miscellaneous and 12,691 square feet of retail/restaurant space. The “West Site” has a total maximum of 648,743 square feet.
The “East Site” of this project also has two buildings. A 46-story, 595 foot high building with 423 market-rate housing units and 529,092 square feet of residential floor area. The 11-story, 150 foot high building contains 65 housing units totaling approximately 61,777 square feet of residential floor area.
They are also proposing an “East Site Hotel Option”.
What Millennium has left out of their project description is the State-documented
Hollywood Earthquake Fault Line no one wants to talk about.
What Millennium doesn’t want you to know about is the Fault Evaluation Report (FER) Supplement filed by the California Geological Survey (CGS). Per State Geologist John Parrish’s 7/20 letter to City Council, a detailed study of the Hollywood Fault would be commencing with the final results issued in 2014.
A few things the CGS report indicates:
- CGS made a request to make another visit to the site – Millennium denied this request
- All 4 CGS geologists observed a fault
- CGS was permitted 10 minutes on one of the sites, no exploring permitted
- CGS was prohibited from taking photos and notes
- A previously scheduled site visit for a future date was cancelled by Millennium
When CGS released its final map showing the estimated path of the Hollywood Fault, it showed the Fault line running directly under the site of Millennium’s previous proposal (which was shut down in the courts by STMH) and yep – the Fault lines are still there today. Not only are the Fault lines previously identified by the State still there – but CGS has identified additional Fault Lines as well! See the latest communication we have from CGS to the City on 7/16.
State Geologist John Parrish reported: “Our conclusion from the data is that there is an Active Fault, and it does run right along the course that’s right along the map.” One of Millennium’s consultants, Michael Reader called the state’s conclusion “incorrect”. He appealed to the state to remove the Hollywood Fault from that area on the map.
The recent screenshot taken off of the maps.conservation.ca.gov website shows us the most recent earthquake Fault and seismic zoning information to date. As you will see, there are two options selected for us to see layers. The yellow layer shows us what state geologists have included in their Seismic Hazards Program: Alquist-Priolo Fault Hazard Zones. The black dotted line layer shows us the Fault Traces. Both of which are running directly through Millennium’s Hollywood Center Project.
Mayor Garcetti has previously said he would: “rely on government experts to determine whether the City should issue permits to allow the skyscrapers to be built”. Council District 13’s Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell previously said: “there is clearly a disconnect between the [developer’s] data and the state’s final map, which must be reconciled.” Reconciled?? It is going to be too bad for us citizens if “reconciled” means that Millennium’s geologists refuse to acknowledge the facts about the Fault and that City insider’s and Millennium lobbyists continue to undermine the citizen right’s to know the truth. Neither Garcetti nor O’Farrell responded to the numerous requests made by attorney Robert Silverstein on behalf of you and STMH to extend the public comment period after the release of their ten-thousand plus page Draft EIR during the Covid-19 pandemic.
to take your focus off of their colossal proposal that swallows up its surroundings like a black hole.
- The Los Angeles City Council unanimously passed the original Millennium Hollywood AFTER being warned by California Department of Transportation (known as Caltrans) and the State Geologist of the negative consequences
- In the 2015 trial court ruling, Judge Chalfant ruled, the city is not allowed to conduct studies on freeway traffic using its own definitions and methods. Freeway traffic is the responsibility of experts at California Department of Transportation (known as Caltrans), specifically, and not of the Los Angeles Planning Department or any other City department
- Millennium and their attorneys Sheppard Mullin have been long time contributors to the Mayor and to the City Councilmembers campaigns
- Millennium’s architect Bill Roschen (Handel Architects and Roschen Van Cleve Architects) was President of the Los Angeles Planning Commission during Millennium Hollywood’s approval process