Stay up to date with the latest news on the Millennium Hollywood Center Project. More public hearings will be coming up. In the meantime see below for links to the project’s public documents and other important info.
• The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (as published on 9/3/2020)
- Introduction
- The City’s Responses to public comments
- Revisions, Clarifications and Corrections to the Draft EIR
- Mitigation Monitoring Program
- Appendix A (Original Draft EIR Comment Letters)
- Appendix B-1 (Alternative 8 – Plans, Renderings & Visual Simulation)
- Appendix B-2 (Alternative 8 – Historic Resources Analysis)
- Appendix B-3 (Alternative 8 – Geotechnical Analysis)
- Appendix B-4 (Alternative 8 – Transportation Analysis)
- Appendix C (Tribal Correspondence)
- Appendix D (LADOT Correspondence)
- Appendix E (Project Construction Air Quality Data)
References for the Final EIR (Once there, scroll down to the last drop down menu to choose)
• The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (Once there, scroll to the bottom to view and select categories from the drop-down menus)
• The Administrative Record Documents are here
The City has divided Public Comments into categories:
• Public Correspondence Received During DEIR Comment Period Not Commenting on Contents of DEIR
• Traffic Study is buried but STMH has pulled it out of the weeds for your review
Alan Como and Jason McCrea are the latest city planners assigned to Millennium.
Previously assigned city planners Luciralia Ibarra, Mindy Nyugen and Milena Zasadzien are no longer on the case.
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
Attn: Alan Como
221 N. Figueroa St., Suite 1350
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 847-3674
Millennium’s Hollywood Project Center is in Council District 13 currently governed by Councilmember Mitch OFarrell
January 19, 2022: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein files our Opposition to Millennium’s Motion For Orders Discharging Peremptory Writ of Mandamus
June 21, 2021: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends a CPRA Request to the City targeted at docs related to the recent trenching
April 22, 2021: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends a letter to the State Assembly Members Opposing SB7
March 18, 2021: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends additional emails to the City asking for responses to the same questions the City does not respond to
March 15, 2021: CGS sends LADBS a letter providing specific instructions for an effective trench
December 28, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends another CPRA Request to the City
December 24, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends a ‘All we want for Christmas are our questions answered and documents produced’ letter to the City
December 21, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends a follow up to the City re CPRA issues & unanswered questions
December 18, 2020: The City issues 2 Notice Of Delinquency’s for Millennium’s unpaid bills
December 17, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends a follow up letter to the City demanding a response
December 10, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends another CPRA Request letter and requests for status update
December 9, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends the City a Notice of Violation of CEQA, California Rules of Court, Violations of the AB 900 AR preparation mandates demanding immediate corrections be made
October 15, 2020: The City posts the Audio from its City Planning Commission hearing on item #7
October 13, 2020: The City posts “Supplemental Docs” on the planning website
October 13, 2020: “2nd Revised” version of the Agenda
October 13, 2020: City Planner Mindy Nyugen sends an email saying: “This email is to inform you that the City has received a request to continue the consideration of the Hollywood Center Project, currently scheduled for the City Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, October 15, 2020. As such, the agenda has been updated to reflect this request and is attached for your convenience.
October 13, 2020: The City makes yet another “Revised” version of the Agenda for the October 15, 2020 hearing
October 8, 2020: The City posts a “Corrected” version of the Agenda for the October 15, 2020 hearing
October 8, 2020: The City posts the Agenda for the October 15, 2020 City Planning Commission hearing which includes these three cases:
- #7. VTT-82152-1A (Vesting Tract Map Approval including Draft & Final EIR)
- #8. CPC-2018-2114-DB-CU-MCUP-SPR (Density Bonus Approvals)
- #9. CPC-2018-2115-DA (Development Agreement)
September 24, 2020: The City sends a Notice of Public Hearing for the Appeals to be heard by the City Planning Commission on October 15, 2020 after 10:00am
September 23, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends the City a letter re their “pruning” of the record
September 22, 2020: 6 Appeals are filed:
- Robert Silverstein files an appeal on behalf of
- Channel Law Group, LLP file an appeal on behalf of the Hillside Federation
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP file an appeal on behalf of AMDA College of the Performing Arts
Elkins Kalt Weintraub Reuben Gartside LLP file an appeal on behalf of Ned Pan, Inc
Anthony Kornarens, Esq file an appeal on behalf of the Vedanta Society
- Mayer Brown LLP file an appeal on behalf of their client & applicant, Millennium
September 18, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends the City Objections to Letter of Determination
September 14, 2020: The Department of City Planning sends out the Letter of Determination for the VTT and Appeal Filing Procedures
September 11, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends another letter to the DCP re the August 26, 2020 sham hearing
September 3, 2020: The City of Los Angeles sends a Notice of Availability for the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
September 2, 2020: John Schwada publishes this Press Release: As A Hollywood Skyscraper Project Faces New Obstacles Its Developer Accuses Respected State Agency Scientists Of Conspiring to Kill Its Project!!!
September 2, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends a Demand Letter to the DCP and the City Attorney’s office requesting the Immediate Inclusion of Documents within All Comment Letter Hyperlinks Into the Running Administrative Record
September 2, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends Further Objections in a letter to the DCP
September 1, 2020: Independent, and highly regarded geologist Robert Hadley Sydnor writes this important letter to the Department of City Planning, LADBS and State Geologist Steve Bohlen
August 31, 2020: The audio of the 8/26 public hearing is made available on the City’s website. Link to related documents and agenda is here
August 26, 2020: The City holds a telephonic only public hearing to consider the Draft EIR, the Final EIR (which has not yet been released; has not been made available to the public), Density Bonus Compliance Review, permission for a 35 percent increase in FAR, A Waiver of Development Standards to permit a 7:1 FAR, A Waiver of Development Standards to permit the floor area of any residential balconies and terraces to be excluded for purposes of calculating the buildable floor area, a Master Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan Review and other valuable land use entitlements
August 26, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends another Objection Letter to the DCP
August 25, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein sends another California Public Records Act request to the City requesting documents related to the Hollywood Center Project
August 21, 2020: Department of City Planning circulates the Staff Report for the Vesting Tract Map
August 18, 2020: LADBS Engineering Geologist II, Daniel Schneidereit sends a letter to city Planner Mindy Nguyen regarding CGS’ June 16, 2020 letter
August 12, 2020: STMH’s attorney Robert Silverstein is a guest speaker at The Hollywood Dell Civic Association (HDCA) 7:00pm neighborhood meeting
August 6, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends Objections to the City regarding the public hearing the City has scheduled prior to the releasing of the EIR.
August 4, 2020: STMH discovers the City has removed CGS’ 7/17 letter from the public record, to which the link has since been broken
August 3, 2020: The Department of City Planning sends Notice of joint Public Hearing held by the Deputy Advisory Agency and the Hearing Officer Hearing, on behalf of the City Planning Commission, scheduled for Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.
July 30, 2020: FBI Indictment – Jose Huizar
July 28, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends Further Objections to Mayor Garcetti, City Councilmembers and the City Attorney related to the Hollywood Center Project and EIR.
July 22, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein holds a press conference across from the proposed project site to discuss the California Geologic Survey’s and United States Geologic Survey’s alarming Earthquake Fault Line findings.
July 16, 2020: California Geological Survey’s Letter to the City on Millennium’s Draft Environmental Impact Report
July 8, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends a letter to Mayor Garcetti, City Attorney Feuer, Councilman O’Farrell, and Vince. Bertoni Planning Director re their violation of our rights under the Public Records Act
June 22, 2020: USDC Criminal Complaint against Ex-Councilmember Jose Huizar
June 1, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends 2,597 pages of Comments, Objections and Documentation to DCP
May 28, 2020: Councilmember David Ryu sends a letter to the Director of Planning Vince Bertoni, requesting an extension to the public comment period of the DEIR
May 22, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends another letter to DCP again requesting the public comment period be extended includes Garcetti letter
April 29, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends Letter #3 to DCP objecting to 45 day comment period
April 27, 2020: Robert P. Silverstein sends Letter #2 to DCP objecting to 45 day comment period
April 17, 2020: STMH attorney Robert P. Silverstein sends a letter to DCP objecting to 45 day comment period
April 16, 2020: The City of Los Angeles publishes Millennium’s DEIR with public comment period deadline of June 1, 2020 (during pandemic)
April 10, 2020: Department of Transportation Engineer, Wes Pringle sends a letter to Senior City Planner Milena Zasadzien regarding their findings after reviewing Millennium’s traffic analysis
January 16, 2020: FBI Indictment – Mitch Englander
December 27, 2019: The City of Los Angeles deems the Hollywood Center Project application materials Complete
November 19, 2019: FEHR PEERS emails the City a Revised MOU for Hollywood Center re the traffic assessment
September 12, 2018: An EIR Scope Meeting is held to receive information that helps determine the scope and content of the EIR. See public comments here beginning on page 26
September, 2018: The Initial Study is made available
September 4, 2018: The Department of City Planning releases the Notice Of Preparation of EIR and Public Scope Meeting (includes Project Description)
August 30, 2018: The Department of City Planning signs off on Millennium’s Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal (includes Project Description)
May 2, 2018: Millennium Hollywood Center Application for ELDP. Hollywood Center Documents related to the ELDP can be found on this page by clicking “2018051002 – Hollywood Center Project” under Submitted Applications.
April 12, 2018: Millennium file an Application with the Department of City Planning for their new project (paying for a Zone Change and Height-District Change (page 8)) and a Environmental Assessment Form