What is happening with the Millennium Hollywood Center project?
We’ve been asking.
Documents obtained from City Hall raise troubling questions. The trench recently dug on the project’s east site appears not to have gone deep enough to expose the full active earthquake fault layer.
On the west site, the California Geological Survey identified an even more dangerous inclined fault (See map on p. 6, blue line.) But the City refused to require proper testing there now. Why?
What about the age dating of soil samples from the recent trenching? We’re only hearing crickets. City emails were silent on this critical issue.
What are City Hall and Millennium covering up? (See our attorney’s statement in this front page Los Angeles Times article.)
We know City Hall and developer Millennium Partners do things crookedly. Look at Millennium’s Leaning San Francisco Tower, and:
- Garcetti ignored corruption for years
- Former LA Deputy Mayor Raymond Chan charged in corruption case
- CNN report on Surfside Condo collapse and Millennium’s Leaning Tower of San Francisco
If history is a guide, the current silence may just be the calm before the storm. A favorite tactic of City Hall is to drop major documents on the public without warning. We are watching.
We need your support in continuing this fight for our homes and safety. Please help.