To ZOOM, Or Not To ZOOM – It’s No Longer A Question


According to City Planner Mindy Nguyen’s 8/13 email to our team, “there is no video Zoom available for public hearings at this time.  Please be advised, however, that the Department of City Planning is transitioning to ZoomWebinar for public hearings beginning in September, which will allow the public to watch the hearings online, similar to the CPC meetings.”

As usual with the Department of City Planning, the whole story is never told.

What Mindy didn’t tell us was that video Zoom was not made available only to the PUBLIC.   But video capability exists as seen here in these screenshots that played intermittently in the audio file of the 8/26 public hearing produced by the City.  For those of you that want to see for yourself, we suggest you hurry up and download it while you can before they remove it.


In an internal email communication with City staffers posted on the running online record for the project, Mindy tells her colleagues NOT to share the video URL or password with the public as seen in the below screenshot:

This is an absolute outrage and abuse of the process by the City!

They are working tirelessly to prejudice the public and help the developer.  Imagine the progress we would make if our City departments worked half as hard for us.


We appreciate your contributions as we continue to fight vigorously to enforce all of our rights

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