Planning Commission Practices Earthquake Preparedness On Day Set For Hollywood Center Hearing!


Is it any coincidence Millennium’s public hearing was scheduled and then abruptly continued to an unknown date on International ShakeOut Day ?

Commissioners practiced earthquake preparedness when Commission President Samantha Millman ordered everyone to Stop, Drop and Roll!

Which is exactly what happened to Millennium’s hearing!

It stopped after 15 minutes, dropped from the City Planning Commission’s calendar and rolled right outta sight.

We all need to be carefully watching for their next surprise move.

Thank you to the members of the public who did attend and expressed their strong objections to the City’s swift approval to Councilmember O’Farrell’s eleventh hour request to continue these matters, after the City steamrolled over us when the same requests were made during the public comment periods.

Click here to listen to today’s City Planning Commission hearing on Millennium item #7.

Please continue to write your letters and submit your evidence to the City Planning Commission here

*TIP:  Receive City Planning Commission Agenda’s early by signing up for the Early Notification System (ENS) here.


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