Public Comment of the Week – 8/31/2020


The Public Comments section of the Administrative Record is jam packed with letters from us, from you, from everyday citizens who live in the city, demanding that this insanely dangerous and illegal project by Millennium, be shut down for good.

Keep a look out each week as we share some of the comments that stuck out to us the most.… Read the rest

Millennium’s 8/26 hearing: What A Mess!


If we learned anything at the nearly 5 hours of the public hearing that took place via telephone yesterday, August 26, it’s how much people do not understand about this project.  But, we’ve also learned that many of you are very aware of the shell game being played by the City officials and this developer.… Read the rest

Hollywood Center: PUBLIC HEARING #1 – REMINDER


We want to remind everyone of the first public hearing for Millennium’s Hollywood Center Project being held tomorrow, Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 9:30am.

In a manner that further prejudices the public, even though City Planner Mindy Nguyen stated that the city will have video conferencing capability as early as next month, the Department of City Planning is holding this hearing entirely by telephone. … Read the rest

Councilmember David Ryu On Millennium


We are pleased to share an email and attachment from City Councilmember David Ryu.  In it he opposes the Millennium Hollywood Center Project.  We applaud him for that.

↓  (click on the below image to read email in its entirety)  ↓


Ryu notes the California Geological Survey report that is highly critical of the Draft EIR. … Read the rest

Our Latest Objection’s To The City

Our latest communication with the City relates to the inappropriateness of the scheduling a telephonic-only hearing to speed things along for Millennium, when the Final EIR has not even been issued.

As we note:

We object to the “bum’s rush” that the City and Millennium are giving the public regarding this dangerous and illegal project.… Read the rest

Important article on the Millennium Hollywood Center scandal. Although the title is:

Hollywood earthquake faults make proposed skyscrapers unsafe, says opposition group

it’s not just us, the “opposition group,” saying this. Take it from the Federal government and the State of California.

On May 8 and July 16, 2020, the United States Geological Survey and the California Geological survey issued official reports showing multiple active earthquake fault lines running through the Millennium Hollywood Center site.… Read the rest

Can You Keep A Secret? Millennium Partners Can! * UPDATED AGAIN! *

**  UPDATE AS OF SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 **

[ Note that the link to the California Geological Survey original email and letter has been put back into the administrative record as of yesterday ]

**  UPDATE AS OF AUGUST 4, 2020 **

[  Note that the link to the California Geological Survey letter to the City on their website is broken as of August 4, 2020.  … Read the rest

City Council, Raymond Chan and Millennium


Raymond Chan, was the Mayor Garcetti appointed General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS).   After resigning, Chan served a year as a Los Angeles deputy mayor for economic development until June 2017.    It was under Chan that Millennium’s improper seismic studies were accepted and approved by LADBS. … Read the rest

STMH & Attorney Robert P. Silverstein Won the 2013 Millennium Case, but the Community Needs to Rally Again!



In April 2015, STMH was victorious in our trial against the Los Angeles City Council and  Millennium Partners, LLC.  The Honorable James C. Chalfant threw out the EIR and all of Millennium’s project approvals, agreeing with us that the EIR was fatally flawed on 5 different grounds.  Chalfant states in part: “There were many aspects Caltrans wanted you to look at, that you didn’t look at.””… Read the rest

LA Times Interviews STMH Attorney Robert Silverstein

Morrison-SilvertsteinLA Times writer Patt Morrison profiles our attorney Robert Silverstein in a well conducted interview. It highlights the moral and ethical values that guide Robert in his quest to bring justice and a level playing field to the battle between the citizens and the politicians.

A few highlights from the article:

“In this county, the power to rezone property involves the power to create great wealth, and the effect of
corrupt action by a public official in these matters, in my opinion,is just as reprehensible as taking money from the public treasury.”

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The City Approves Geology Findings Rejected by State Geologist

finalApHere’s the good news. The judge doesn’t care what the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) says about the earthquake studies submitted Millennium Partners, LLC.  Judge Chalfant determined that the City violated CEQA when it disregarded the concerns of Caltrans,
pursuant to Pub.… Read the rest

Residents and Developers – A World Apart

There was a fascinating debate on KCRW’s Which Way L.A., moderated by Warren Olney on the disparity between residents and developers and shown in the following quotes from developer Mott Smith and our community-advocacy attorney, Robert P. Silverstein.

“A recent study … looked at Environmental Impact Reports that had gone to court under challenges like the ones we’re talking about here.… Read the rest

Millennium Loses Battle in Court – Beverly Press Article

By Jonathan Van Dyke, 5/07/2015

Judge invalidates EIR for controversial Hollywood project


The long and winding story of the Millennium Hollywood took another twist last Thursday when a judge issued a ruling to halt the $1 billion project, likely forcing the developer to go back to the drawing board and create a new environmental impact report (EIR).
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Judge says NO to Millennium!

Millennium crushed


Today the Hollywood Community won an important victory reaffirming the ability of the people to direct the future development of Hollywood. We have demonstrated to our elected officials and to the City Planning Department that they will not be allowed to impose upon us the failed “Transit Oriented Development” planning model and the destructive “Regional Center, Commercial” planning policy.… Read the rest

Millennium Trial Postponed 10 Days; Nepal Earthquake Sets Backdrop

On Saturday, April 25, the devastation that comes from massive earthquakes was on front pages around the world. A 7.8 near-surface quake hit rural Nepal resulting in thousands dead. The implication is clear for us living in a dense urban area near the surface-rupture Hollywood Fault which Dr. Dolan estimates last broke conservatively (that’s the low end of the range) with magnitude 7.0.… Read the rest

Seismological Society of America Tours Hollywood Fault

The Seismological Society of America just last Thursday, April 23, concluded its annual meeting in Pasadena. On Friday, April 24, USC geology professor Dr. James Dolan led a field trip of the Hollywood Fault for the attendees.

Here is the field trip guide:

Note the drawing on page 7 — 130 meters of left-lateral displacement of the Hollywood Fault at Los Feliz Blvd and Fern Dell Dr.… Read the rest

Update – Trial postponed to April 30th, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.

Breaking News

A day before the trail was to take place, communication came that the trial was postponed and a new date will be April 30th, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in Dept. 85, the Hon. James C. Chalfant.  This gives us a little (but not much) time to continue to fundraise to get our bills paid and retain the kind of witnesses that we will need to best make our case.… Read the rest

Stop the Millennium Trial Date Set for April 21!

The LawIn less than one week our attorney Robert Silverstein will stand before Judge Chalfant. Stop the Millennium will finally have its day in court. It has been a long journey since July 24, 2013 when the Los Angeles City Council, led by District 13 Mitch O’Farrell, and against the wishes of two leading California regulatory agencies, the California Geological Survey and CalTrans, approved the Millennium monstrosity.… Read the rest

Generation Y Prefers Suburban Home Over City Condo

YOUNGGENERATIONWhile the City of LA and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce continue to push the failed Transit Oriented Development planning theory and the horrible mixed-used projects in Hollywood, the national trend for young people remains the same as for older generations. Single-family home ownership and suburban living is overwhelmingly preferred. A recent survey reveals that only 10% want to live in a city center.… Read the rest

Robert Silverstein Honored by Hillside Federation

SilversteinGraphic1Robert Silverstein was honored by the Hillside Federation at their December 11, 2014 party.

He discussed the important legal issues that guide the Millennium lawsuit.  The Millennium lawsuit is scheduled for trial in April 2015.

Please donate to help preserve the important legal safeguards that Robert discussed in his speech.

Transcript of Robert Silverstein’s speech – taken from the Hillside Federation’s January newsletter

Video of the Hillside Federation Honoring Robert SilversteinRead the rest

W Hotel Leaves Fight Against Millennium Project

whotelHEI/GC Hollywood and Vine Condominiums LLC, also known as the W Hotel at Hollywood & Vine, has dismissed its lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles and Millennium Hollywood LLC. The W Hotel filed its notice of dismissal on December 9, 2014.

They are the second of the three original appellants to leave the fight.… Read the rest

Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council Rescinds Support for Millennium Project

chnc logoThe Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council, at the November 24, 2014 meeting, rescinded its support for the Millennium Project and voted 7-0 to join the three other Hollywood area neighborhood councils in opposing the project.

Foremost in the decision were the seismic safety and traffic issues.

Community stakeholder George Abrahams presented the issue to the full CHNC board.… Read the rest

The City Getting Desperate

Closed Session


As our attorney, Robert Silverstein, keeps winning case after case against the City, the City Attorney, stunned by all these losses, is appealing to the City Council to call in reinforcements – your tax dollars, once again, at work against YOU!

The request is going before the Budget and Finance Committee today and then to the City Council on Wednesday.… Read the rest

How  Millennium Tried  to  Get  You  to  Believe  There  is  No  Fault Under  Their  Property - The Illusion of "Truth"

Hollywood Scarp cropped

Advertisers and politicians repeatedly use a practice to make you believe something is true: They repeat a statement from three to five times, after which people will believe it as ‘fact’.

We have all received an email with a long string of ‘forwards’, including a passel of people we don’t know, but forwarded by a trusted friend or relative.… Read the rest

Southland developers learn to coexist with quake faults

la-me-g-newport-inglewood-webAs California this year embarks on a major campaign to better identify earthquake faults across the state, Signal Hill and other communities along the Newport-Inglewood fault offer lessons on how to allow for new development.

The layout of Signal Hill was not dictated simply by aesthetics. The city and developers created this landscaping to protect residents from a danger hidden just below the surface: the Newport-Inglewood earthquake fault.… Read the rest

Infrastructure at the Breaking Point


The New York Times broke this story September 1, 2014. There’s no denying that our current infrastructure status is bleak. The city’s solution: let’s hide our head in the sand and ok more big development projects! Garcetti fiddles while the city sinks into a giant cavity created by potholes and water main breaks.… Read the rest

LoGrande Cited for Illegal Lobbying

A few years after Millennium’s approval in City Council, the underground network of pay to play starts to show its cracks.

Michael LoGrande has to pay more than $281,000 for illegal lobbying for developers, while receiving consulting fees from the City, according to an article in the LA Times and CurbedLA.… Read the rest

Surprise!! Napa Valley 6.0 Fault Was Supposed to Be Dormant

napaquakeIs Millennium Developer Quaking In His Boots?

California’s top geologist has said the 6.0 earthquake in Napa Valley Sunday surprised seismic scientists because it appears to be linked to an obscure fault that had previously been deemed inactive.

“We would not have predicted an earthquake on this particular fault,” Dr. John Parrish, the chief of the California Geological Survey, told Sacramento TV station KCRA (link to KCRA report).… Read the rest

Consider the Source

MillenniumsiteYou may have read recently that Group Delta released a letter to the State Mining and Geology Board stating that the Hollywood fault does not run under three development projects north of Hollywood and Vine, including Millennium. This is no surprise to us. We expected as much. If you look at the map Group Delta presented, you will see they avoided the southerly trace area where they would have possibly found the fault.… Read the rest

Stop The Millennium Group Makes a Difference


Not only has this grassroots coalition interrupted the status quo downtown, launched a great crowd funding campaign, and exposed corruption, it is causing reform on a state-geological level:

All of the new public awareness of the earthquake issue — from the increase in funding to complete the mapping of dangerous surface rupture faults to the focus on hardening Los Angeles’ water supply infrastructure — has been due to Stopthemillennium’s activities.Read the rest

Hollywood’s Battle is Our Battle!

CityWatchJackHumphreville July 29, 2014 by Jack Humphreville

WHO WE ARE – Hollywood’s neighborhoods and residents are under attack by big time real estate developers who are investing billions in too many to count high rise residential and commercial buildings along the three mile stretch of Hollywood, Sunset, and Santa Monica Boulevards between Western Avenue and the border with West Hollywood.… Read the rest

Faulting “Previously Unrecognized” Observed in Hollywood Near Development Sites

PatrickHealy2Patrick Healy with Channel 4 broke this news that more evidence is being gathered showing that there are indeed fault lines coursing near the Millennium project site as well as neighboring project areas. New LADBS City geologist Pascal Challita has confirmed the existence of earthquake faults on the east side of Argyle Avenue that project towards the Second Street Ventures and the adjacent Millennium project sites.… Read the rest

Fly Over the Hollywood Fault – a Virtual and Enlightening Experience



Have you ever wondered exactly or even approximately where the Hollywood Fault exists?

The L.A. Times staff provides us with a virtual tour of the entire length of that fault. They highlight aspects of this revelation in their most recent article, Preliminary Quake Map Shows Fault Lines Under Schools, Hotels, Homes published May 6, 2014 written by Rosanna Xia, Ron-Gong Lin II, and Doug Smith

We invite you to take this virtual tour and see for yourself how many areas are affected.… Read the rest