Millennium Says, “Here it isn’t!”



In a recent article published in the L.A. Times, we learn that, on the way out the door as the official City Geologist in the Department of Building and Safety, Dana Prevost (who has approved projects in the past without the adequate seismic evaluation)  decided the 6230 Yucca Street project needs to do some more testing to locate the fault that experts say is there. With the close of the public comment period on the Hollywood quadrangle Alquist Priolo Map fast approaching, Millennium Partners is seeing the handwriting on the wall.

You may recall that Millennium promised they would do trenching last summer but quickly reneged on that commitment saying they wanted to wait for the outcome of the lawsuit that the community has filed to stop them.

As a quick effort to reshape the message, Millennium released a statement that although they are not required to trench until they request building permits, they have hired geologists to do the additional investigation now “so as to assist the city and state agencies in producing more accurate maps concerning the location of earthquake faults in the Hollywood area.” Millennium seems sure that the findings will show that, somehow, the fault that has been located by the California State Geological Survey (among other specialists) on both sides of their project will not be found to exist beneath the location for the two planned towers.

Our attorney Robert Silverstein was interviewed on May 17, 2014 by CBS radio KNX 1070.  Robert spoke about testing at Yucca and Argyle, next to the Millennium site. Robert also commented on the perils of the Millennium project.  Please listen here, and please continue to support our David-versus-Goliath efforts to get our message out. Thank you!


Los Angeles Register – May 21, 2014 Seismic Studies Begin

L.A. Times – May 20, 2014 City Geologist Calls for More Seismic Testing at Hollywood Site

L.A. Times – May 17, 2014 City Geologist Calls for More Seismic Testing at Hollywood Site


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