If Only I Knew The Developers Who Built The Jails – My Cell Would Probably Be A Lot Bigger


Los Angeles residents have waited a very long time to see some justice when it comes to the corruption taking place by city officials.   Since the FBI finally latched on to what citizens have been screaming about for years, residents may see yesterday’s federal court ruling as a sign of things to come.

Ex-Councilmember Mitch Englander (one of the PLUM Committee members responsible for approving Millennium’s 2013 project, which was later shut down by us in the courts), was sentenced to 14 months in a federal prison.  Check out the LA Times article here.

See the federal judge’s Order here.

Remember, in the original Millennium Hollywood approvals — when the City Council ignored a mountain of data about the property’s earthquake fault dangers and other violations of the law— two of the three votes on the PLUM Committee were Englander, and recently indicted Councilman Jose Huizar.

Recall the July 24, 2013 Los Angeles City Council hearing (at 01:05:30), where Englander served as President Pro Tempore, leading the full City Council hearing that approved the Millennium Hollywood EIR and project.

Englander has until June 1, 2021 to surrender himself to the States Penitentiary, Lompoc, a medium-security United States federal prison.  That’s a coincidence.   June 1, 2020 is the date of our attorney Robert Silverstein’s magnum opus, nearly 3,000-page objection letter to the new Hollywood Center EIR and project.

This fight is far from over.


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