Can You Keep A Secret? Millennium Partners Can! * UPDATED AGAIN! *

**  UPDATE AS OF SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 **

[ Note that the link to the California Geological Survey original email and letter has been put back into the administrative record as of yesterday ]

**  UPDATE AS OF AUGUST 4, 2020 **

[  Note that the link to the California Geological Survey letter to the City on their website is broken as of August 4, 2020.   The Public Comment section has been significantly combed through and weeded out.   CGS’s letter, among several dozen public comment letters are no longer on the City’s website.

Here is a new link to CGS’s July 16, 2020 letter.

The City will keep trying to hide this information from you as proven in this example.

STMH is working hard to keep you informed.  ]


A July 16, 2020 letter from California Geological Survey to the Department of City Planning has many critical things to say about Millennium’s EIR.   Please see these highlights:


  • “. . . more than one near-surface fault trace of the Hollywood Fault crosses the proposed project site. Based on the project’s proximity to these fault traces, as well as the proposed development’s height, construction materials, and location in a densely populated area, CGS staff determined that this new information is important to convey through comment on this DEIR


  • These studies strongly support the presence of an active southern fault strand entering the eastern Hollywood Center property in the vicinity of the alley at Argyle.”


  • The fault trench excavated in 2014 did not clear the entire site of active faults.


  • “At a minimum, the EIR should identify where active traces of the Hollywood fault pass through the planning area and discuss any surface rupture hazards they pose to the project.



The California Geological Survey is an independent state agency with the sole mission of mapping and identifying earthquake fault risks.  According to former California State Geologist Dr. John Parrish in an LA Times July 22, 2020 article, the California Geological Survey’s work is “for the public health, public health and safety. . . .” “We don’t have a stake in whether it’s built or not, but we certainly want the decision to be made [by leaders] fully aware of what geologic hazards might be for the area.”

It is no surprise that Millennium’s own geologists and consultants; the ones they hired – and with City Hall aiding this abuse of process, have omitted the damaging reality of the multiple Earthquake Faults through the site.   This should be the final nail in the coffin.

What does this tell you about what your City officials care about?

What does this tell you about the City’s priorities?

STMH encourages you to stay informed and support us.  We can only do this together.



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